Doctors of Democracy -- DODO -- is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that protects and strengthens U.S. democracy. We do this by improving the conversation around democracy reform, diagnosing the ills of our democratic system, and prescribing evidence-based reforms to remedy them. We also stand as a watchdog; we fact-check claims made about reform, and provide accessible and accurate information to political actors, reformers, and the public. Learn More...
What DODO believes in:
The power of evidence.
The importance of accountability.
The transformative capacity of education.
The power of change.
Diagnosing our Democracy
What's the state of our democracy? What needs to be remedied? Does anything even need to be fixed? You decide.
DODO 101s
Understand our institutions, how we got here, what established the status quo, and what it means for us moving forward.
About Us
Learn more about the team, our mission, how we got here, where we're going, and how you can join with us in our mission.