RCV on the Ballot in November 2024

An RCV sample ballot for the Portland Mayoral Race

Ranked-choice Voting on the Ballot this November: An Introduction 

October 29, 2024

The November 2024 election in the United States is a big one for a family of vote casting and counting systems known as “Ranked-choice Voting” (RCV). RCV is on the statewide ballot in seven states (Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Missouri, Nevada, and Oregon) and Washington, D.C. Another four cities will vote on whether to adopt (Oak Park and Peoria in Illinois and Richmond in California) or repeal (Bloomington, Minnesota) RCV for their local elections. Additionally, at least twelve jurisdictions will once again vote using RCV, including two states (Alaska and Maine) and five California Bay Area cities, including San Francisco and Berkeley. Portland, Oregon, and Arlington, Virginia will use RCV for the first time this November. 

With RCV on the ballot and in use in so many places this year, DODO is cutting through the noise with a series of evidence-based blogs on RCV. In this post, the first of three, DODO provides an overview of the different types of RCV, their basic characteristics, their use in the United States, and the variants of RCV on the ballot in November 2024. In later posts, we’ll take a deeper dive into the ballot measures to help inform citizens assess their merits. 

What is RCV?

RCV is not just one way of voting. It is a family of voting and vote counting methods in which voters rank candidates in order of their preference and vote counting proceeds in rounds. There are numerous RCV variants. Each one has different uses and effects. The characteristics all variants share are that: 

The most common variants of RCV in the United States are instant run-off voting (IRV), single transferable vote (STV), and preferential block vote (PBV). Although these variants are all “RCV,” (i.e., voters rank candidates and vote counting happens in rounds), they are quite different.

Basic characteristics of three RCV variants

Instant Run-off Voting (IRV)

IRV is a variant of RCV used to elect a single candidate

Single Transferable Vote (STV)

STV is a proportional variant of RCV used to elect multiple candidates at once, such as in a city council election in which three council members are elected at the same time. 

Preferential Block Vote (PBV)

PBV is a non-proportional variant of RCV used to elect multiple candidates at once. 

All RCV variants use more information about voter preferences to elect candidates than more common voting methods like plurality. However, the three variants differ in which information they use to choose winners. 

The differences between the three RCV variants are summarized below in Table 1.

Table 1: RCV Variants compared

Use of RCV in the United States

According to FairVote, a leading advocate of RCV in the US, RCV is currently in use in 50 U.S. jurisdictions. DODO has confirmed that some variant of RCV is in use (or will be for November 2024) in Alaska and Maine (for state and federal offices), 26 cities, towns, and villages, and around 14 counties.

As Table 2 shows, when advocates talk about RCV in the United States, they are mostly referring to IRV. Alaska and Maine, 23 or 26 cities, towns, and villages, and two of the 14 counties that use RCV use IRV. Only three jurisdictions (Albany, California; Cambridge, Massachusetts; and the village of Arden, Delaware) use STV. Twelve of the 14 counties that use RCV use PBV as part of a pilot program in Utah, which is set to end in 2025.

Table 2: Where are the RCV Variants used? 

Use of RCV in the November 2024 Election 

In November 2024, at least twelve jurisdictions will vote using RCV, with 11 of those jurisdictions using IRV and one employing STV. These are the uses DODO has confirmed:

IRV Riding Shotgun with “Open Primaries” in 2024

Yard sign in Oak Park, IL

RCV is on the statewide ballot in seven states (Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Missouri, Nevada, and Oregon) and Washington, D.C. As you might expect from reading the discussion so far, most of the ballot measures involve IRV as part of “open primaries” proposals. 

The ballot measures are summarized in Table 3. In our next blog post, DODO will go over the ballot measures in more detail.

An open non-partisan non-partisan two-round election system (NTES), called “open primaries” by advocates, is a system of electing candidates that involves two rounds. 

Figure 1: Map of Statewide RCV Ballot Measures, November 2024

Table 3: Statewide RCV Ballot Measures, November 2024