RCV on the Ballot in November 2024 

State-by-State, Part 1

Map of states (and the District of Columbia) with RCV-related ballot measures. 

“Open Primaries” on the Ballot in Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, and Nevada 

October 30, 2024

In our previous blog post, DODO provided an overview of Ranked-choice Voting (RCV) in the United States and its appearance in November 2024 ballot measures. In this post, we focus on “open primaries” ballot measures in seven states, especially the five ballot measures that contemplate the use of Instant Run-off Voting (IRV) in the general election. As a reminder, “Open Primaries” is shorthand for a non-partisan two-round election system. Table 1 summarizes key characteristics of the “Open Primaries” questions on the ballot in November 2024. 

A non-partisan two-round election system (NTES), called “open primaries” by advocates, is a system of electing candidates that involves two rounds. 

Table 1: Statewide “Open Primaries” Ballot Measures, November 2024 

Primaries, Open Primaries, and “Open Primaries”

Idaho Open Primaries Yard Sign. Photo: Reddit

First, it is important to share some definitions and a bit of history because the nomenclature around “open primaries” can get confusing. 

A “primary election” is a political party nominating election that is run by the government using official voter registration rolls, ballots, and vote counting equipment. The primary election chooses which candidates will appear next to a political party’s name on the general election ballot. Primary elections originated in the United States in the 19th century as a way to nominate political party candidates. As Alan Ware details in The American Direct Primary: Party Institutionalization and Transformation in the North, political party organizations experimented with primary elections to help them regain control over their nomination processes. Primary elections have always been about choosing political party nominees. Voters may only vote in one party’s primary, and they receive a ballot containing only the candidates for that political party. 

An “open primary” is a primary election—i.e., an election held to choose a political party’s nominees—in which unaffiliated voters can choose to participate in whichever party’s primary they wish to (though they may participate in only one party’s primary). Some open primaries may be “semi-open,” in that an unaffiliated voter may have to register with a party at the polling station or otherwise declare their allegiance to the party. In many states that use open primaries, such as Texas and Virginia, there is no such thing as party registration; however, open primaries are still primary elections in that they aim to choose a political party’s nominee for the general election. 

In recent usage, “open primaries” has come to refer to a two-round election system in which party primaries are abolished and replaced with a preliminary or “winnowing” election. This first round election is often called a “primary election” even though it does not nominate political party candidates. DODO refers to these as “non-partisan two-round election systems” (NTES) because they are not primaries. NTES can take many forms, including the “top-two” primary that is used in California and Washington state, and the “top-four” primary used in Alaska. The “Cajun” or “jungle” primary in Louisiana, in which the top two candidates advance to the general election unless one candidate receives a majority in the preliminary election (in which case, the general election is not held), is also a form of NTES. 

The characteristics that define NTES are:

* There will not always be two rounds, for example in cases where only one candidate runs in the primary (and there are no write-ins) or, in the case of the Cajun primary, when a candidate receives a majority of votes in the first round.  

Proponents make many claims about the effects of NTES, including that they are fairer (because they allow voters who do not want to register with a political party to vote in the preliminary election), they allow for more choice (because preliminary election voters can choose from the full list of all nominated candidates), and that officials elected using a NTES will be more moderate and responsive to the full electorate. The first claim is a values driven claim, that cannot be proven or disproven, and the latter two claims have only been partially borne out by the experience of California and Washington state after they adopted the top-two primary. It is too early to evaluate the top-four primary, which is in use only in Alaska (with the first use in 2022). Louisiana has long used the Cajun primary, though it is hard to draw lessons for other states from its experience. 

Social scientists Seth Werfel and Devon Magliozzi summarize available evidence on NTES here.  

Top-two primary: A NTES that uses the “winnowing” preliminary election, to advance two candidates to the general election. In the general election, the candidate that wins a majority of votes wins office. It has been used in Washington state since 2008, and California since 2010. 

One consequence of all NTES is that they can set the stage for re-privatizing political parties. One of the defining characteristics of American political parties, as observed by Leon Epstein in the 1980s, is the extent to which they – the Republican and Democratic parties – have become like “public utilities,” creatures and beneficiaries of the state (though privileged ballot access, publicly funded and conducted nominating contests – primaries – and a myriad of other laws recognizing and institutionalizing them). NTES undoes some of this institutionalization and creates scope for political parties to develop their own, private, nomination procedures once more. DODO will address this in more detail in a later post.


Alaska sign in opposition to open primaries (Liz Ruskin/Alaska Public Media)

Alaskans are voting on Ballot Measure 2, which would “get rid of” the top-four” primary with RCV in the general election. The top-four primary was adopted by initiative in 2020 for all state and federal contests, and commentators widely believe it contributed to the election of Democrat, Mary Peltola, to the U.S. House in 2022.

If Alaskans vote in favor of Ballot Measure 2, Alaska will go back to the semi-open and open partisan primaries it used before 2022, and conduct its general elections using plurality voting. 

Top-four primary: A non-partisan two-round election system (NTES) that uses the “winnowing” preliminary election, to advance four candidates to the general election, and which uses IRV to determine the winner of the general election. 

If Alaskans vote in favor of Ballot Measure 2, Alaska will go back to the semi-open and open partisan primaries it used before 2022, and conduct its general elections using plurality voting. 


This year, Arizonans are voting on Proposition 140 (Prop 140), which would abolish the existing closed partisan primary system and replace primaries with an NTES.  Prop 140 leaves it up to the state legislature to decide the exact NTES, but it does specify that the number of candidates that advance from the preliminary election to the general is to be up to four times as many as there are offices to be filled. In most cases, where just one office is up for election, this effectively means adopting a top-two, top-three, or top-four primary. 

If passed, IRV could become law in the general election. If the state legislature chooses to adopt a top-three or top-four primary, Prop 140 stipulates that IRV must be used to determine the winner. However, the state legislature might choose to advance only two candidates (and so adopt a “top-two” primary, like the one in California), in which case IRV would not be used. 

Additionally, Prop 140 would re-privatize party endorsements by prohibiting the use of public funds in a party nomination contest. 

Arizonans will vote on a competing constitutional amendment (Proposition 133), proposed by the state legislature, which would require closed partisan primaries (i.e., its current primary system). It is not clear what will happen if both measures pass.

Arizona "No" Campaign Ad on Instagram


Coloradans will vote on Proposition 131, which would adopt a top-four primary for congressional and state executive and legislative offices, using IRV in the general election (if three or more candidates advanced from the primary). 

As with other “open primary” NTES proposals on the ballot this year, support for the proposal is driven by actors associated with Unite America, which describes itself as “a philanthropic venture fund that invests in nonpartisan election reform to foster a more representative and functional government.” In particular, Kent Thiry, a Unite America board co-chair and former president and CEO of DaVita, has donated millions into the campaign for Prop 131.

Opposition to Prop 131 tends to be organized around the RCV component of the proposal, rather than the abolition of partisan primaries. Two key opposition groups both take aim at RCV, Voter Rights Colorado’s homepage calls it “unnecessarily complicated,” and First Choice Counts’s homepage implores users to “Stop Ranked Choice Voting, Vote NO on 131.” 


Vote 'No' Yard Sign. Photo: Reddit

Idahoans will vote on Proposition 1, which would adopt a top-four primary for all congressional, gubernatorial, and state, and county offices, using IRV in the general election (where three or more candidates advanced from the primary). Under Idaho law, the use of IRV is currently prohibited for elections of local, state, and federal offices. 

In Idaho, opposition to Prop 1 is prominently organized around a slogan of “Don’t Californicate Idaho’s Elections.” However, Prop 1 would create a system unlike anything that exists in California. California uses the top-two primary, in which an open primary is used to select two candidates to advance to the general election (using plurality voting at both stages). Top-four primary advocates argue that the effects of the top-four primary are very different from the effects of the top-two primary, though we do not yet have enough data to make any educated observations about their respective impacts. 


Nevadans will vote on Ballot Question No. 3, which would adopt a top-five non-partisan two-round election system for state and federal candidates in Nevada. The top-five primary is just like the top-four NTES except that up to 5 candidates advance to the general election (rather than up to four). 

November 2024 will be the second time Nevadans have voted on a top-five primary. The measure passed at the 2022 general election. In Nevada, state constitutional amendments must be passed in two consecutive general elections to become law. If the question passes again this election, it will become law.  

The top-five primary is the signature electoral reform proposal of the Institute for Political Innovation, an organization founded by former Unite America board member, Katherine Gehl. Gehl bankrolled the 2022 effort, and Unite America is providing a large portion of support in 2024. Opposition to Ballot Question No. 3 appears diffuse, with both the Nevada Democratic and Republican parties opposed, and one of Nevada’s largest newspapers, the Las Vegas Sun, urging a “No” vote. Their opposition appears centered on a desire not to further weaken political party organization in the state. 

Non-RCV “Open Primaries” Ballot Questions in Montana and South Dakota

Both Montana and South Dakota are voting on measures to introduce open primaries, but neither of these involve RCV. 

Montanans are voting on two related initiatives

If Citizen Initiative 127 passes, the legislature could choose IRV as its majoritarian method. However, it may also adopt run-off elections (like those used in Georgia, Mississippi, and Louisiana). It should also be remembered that IRV does not always elect candidates with a majority of support

South Dakotans are voting on whether to adopt a top-two primary in Constitutional Amendment H. The top-two primary does not involve RCV, as – by definition – when there are only two candidates competing in an election, one of them will win a majority.